Your Gateway to Success

Application for Bridge Program Is Open Now

Program Timeline

March 25th,2024


April 11th, 2024

Application Final

April 18th, 2024

Program Starts

April 20th, 2024

Closure Event 

Selection Criteria

Unlock your Expansion Journey

At least One year in the market

Post MVP
Stage - Traction

Commitment to the
program duration

Investment stage:
Seed - Series A

Tech - Startup

What we do

VMS is the hub of value-focused innovation. As a leading Venture Studio, we’re dedicated to supporting inventive entrepreneurs and creators worldwide.

VMS is your platform for turning innovative ideas into successful ventures. With abundant resources, expert knowledge, robust systems, and an extensive network, we guide startups in advancing their concepts while minimizing risks. Our comprehensive approach accelerates growth, enhancing their prospects for success.

Join VMS, where innovation thrives, and together, we make bold visions a reality.
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Vision & Mission

Our mission is to create a founder-friendly model that actively involves, empowers, and uplifts exceptional entrepreneurs, fueling the momentum of technological innovation and expansion. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to substantial economic growth, foster job creation, and secure a strategic foothold within the Saudi market.

VMS programs

Venture builder Program

VMS specializes in nurturing and bolstering nascent startups (Early stage & Pre-seed) based in Saudi Arabia. Through immersive training and mentorship initiatives, we guide these startups in refining their business models, pinpointing their target audience, grasping customer requirements, crafting persuasive pitch decks, and navigating the journey from concept to Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Additionally, we extend our comprehensive suite of services to facilitate seamless progress.

Bridge program:

Our Bridge Program is meticulously crafted to assist companies beyond the MVP stage (Seed  &Pre-series A stage) in seamlessly entering the Saudi market. By propelling growth, facilitating access to funding opportunities, and fostering connections with a diverse spectrum of investors and mentors, we empower these companies to navigate the crucial stages of acceleration and expansion.

Targeted industries

To be in one of the following Industries






Targeted industries

To be in one of the following Industries






We Offer

We provide whatever the business needs to grow faster.

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Absolutely! We welcome innovative startup ideas from aspiring entrepreneurs. Feel free to submit your idea through our application process, and our team will review and consider its potential.

We work with a diverse range of startups across various industries, including technology, healthcare, edu-tech, RealEstate and more. Our focus is on innovative ideas with high growth potential.

We carefully evaluate startup ideas based on factors like market demand, Saudi Market Fit, scalability, and the team’s expertise. We prioritize ideas with a strong value proposition and the potential to expand to the Saudi Market

We provide startups with a comprehensive range of support, including funding opportunities, idea validation, mentorship, strategic guidance, product development, design, marketing, legal and financial resources, workspace, and access to a network of investors.

Yes, we invest seed funding into selected startups in exchange for equity. This investment helps cover initial development costs and supports the startup’s growth trajectory.

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